
Major awards and recognitions

We won the following honors as tokens of our endeavors stated above.

Received the highest rating of "3 Stars" from the HDI Benchmark in the "Customer Service" and "Web Support" categories

In the 2023 HDI Benchmark, which is provided by HDI-Japan, the Japanese branch of HDI, the world’s largest membership association in the support services industry, we received the highest rating of 3-Star in the two categories of “Customer Service” and “Web Support.”

We won “3-Star” two years in a row this year, which is our seventh in total in the “Customer Service” category, and our seventh time likewise in the “Web Support” category. (Based on our research)



It is the world’s largest membership association created for the IT support services industry.

HDI operates around its members, is vendor-neutral, and promotes human networking and information sharing. HDI has more than 50,000 members worldwide, many of the global corporations ranked high in the list of U.S. business magazine Fortune, and these members belong to 100 regional chapters worldwide.

「DX Stocks 2023」

The Company was selected for the “DX Stock 2023” which is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Information-technology Promotion Agency.

Since 2015, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (“METI”) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (“TSE”) have been jointly selecting the stock of the company excelling in IT utilization. This initiative mirrors a part of their collaborative endeavor to promote IT use among Japanese corporations. The program conferred the recognition of “the Stock of the Company Proactively Utilizing IT” to the companies that introduced IT to improve operational innovations, corporate earnings, and productivity, which lead to increased corporate value and fortified competitiveness in a mid-to-long-term perspective.

From 2022, METI, TSE, and the newly participated Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (“IPA”) select “DX stock” in each industry category from among the TSE-listed companies. The company to be selected should have established an internal mechanism that leads the DX initiative resulting in higher corporate value. Further, the company should demonstrate an excellent record of DX utilization.

Encouraging More Physical Exercises

We make a variety of approaches both inside and outside the Company to support sports by encouraging frequent physical exercise for improving health. We hire athletes, drive employees’ active participation in sports, and contribute to regional sports promotions. Japan Sports Agency recognized our such endeavors and certified us as one of the award recipients, “Sports Yell Company.”
Also, Tokyo Metropolitan Government recognized us as Tokyo Sports Promotion Company. We won both recognitions consecutively for four years.

Encouraging More Physical Exercises

Qualified as an "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023(Large Enterprise Category)"

The Company won certification as “Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023” for four years. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Excellent Health Management Corporation Industry and the Japan Health Conference jointly administer the subject certification.
The Excellent Health Management Corporation certification is a program to honor the corporations, either large or small in size, that drive noticeably excellent health promotion initiatives. The certificates are afforded to the corporations that fulfill the initiatives addressing respective regional health issues and take on the tasks for health promotion in accordance with the guidance provided by the Japan Health Conference.
We continue to eagerly prepare a suitable working environment for employees to work lively and comfortably for many years.

Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023

Acquisition of "S+" rating in the "R&I Fiduciary Duty Ratings"

The Company has formulated “Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct” and carries out business sincerely and fairly from the standpoint of customers, placing importance on customers’ wishes and interests.
In the evaluation done by Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (hereinafter “R&I”) called the “R&I Fiduciary Duty Ratings” (*1), the Company has been upgraded to “S+” from “S” in the previous evaluation. This evaluation is conducted by R&I as a neutral third party to evaluate how banks, securities companies, etc. carry out the “customer-oriented business conduct” in investment trusts sales for their principles and implementation status.
Going forward, we will continue to contribute to the formation of customers’ assets and the enhancement of its capital base, thereby contributing to the growth of the Japanese economy through initiatives related to “customer-oriented business conduct.”

  • (*1)

    “R&I Fiduciary Duty Ratings” (hereinafter the said “Evaluation”) is an opinion of R&I regarding the efforts of the sales companies engaged in investment trusts sales to “customer-oriented business conduct” and is not a representation of fact. Although the information used by R&I in making this evaluation is deemed reliable by R&I at its discretion, R&I does not independently verify the accuracy of such information. In addition, R&I, etc. do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, and do not recommend the purchase, sale or holding of specific products or guarantee future performance. Intellectual property rights such as copyrights related to this evaluation and all other rights are the property of R&I, and copying, reprinting, etc. without permission is prohibited.

The Company was selected for the "FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index"

Established by FTSE Russell, a global index provider, the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is an index that reflects the performance of Japanese companies that are relatively well-suited to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in each sector and is designed to be sector neutral. In order to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy, for companies with high greenhouse gas emissions, only those whose improvement efforts are evaluated by the TPI Management Quality Score are included in the program.

"Excellent Company for the Childcare Support Fiscal 2021" "Excellence Award"

Effective February 7, 2022, Tokai Tokyo Securities received an “Excellence” award for the support given to child rearing employees from Nagoya city.

Career Formation Support

We declare ourselves an ever-learning organization and offer various career brush-up programs to employees prompting them to acquire professional knowledge and plan career formation. We implement programs such as Qualification Acquisition Mileage, In-house Staff Recruitment Scheme, and various pieces of training. The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare presented us with the Good Career Company Grand Award in the fiscal year 2018, recognizing such initiatives of ours.

The Ministry of the Environment registered Tokai Tokyo Securities as an issuance supporter for a green bond.

Effective August, 2018, Tokai Tokyo Securities became a registered issuance supporter for a green bond program at the Green Bond Issue Promotion Platform under the auspice of the Ministry of the Environment. Business entities and municipalities that issue green bonds can reduce the cost to be paid to external parties and the administrative work burden they bear. We will facilitate the growth of the green bond market by underwriting and placing the bond and contribute to the environment and society through our business operations.

※Green Bond is designed to fund only the projects addressing environmental issues, and the issuance amount has rapidly increased lately against the backdrop of rising environmental awareness across the world.

"Two-star L-Boshi" from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Effective July 24, 2017, Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings won Two-Star L-Boshi company recognition as per the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.

"Diversity Management New Selection 100" from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2016

We were selected and commended as one of the above-stated corporations by the METI effective March 23, 2017.

"The Women's Social Participation Award Fiscal 2015" from Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Effective January 27, 2016, Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings won Excellence recognition in the above award from the Government.

"The Workplace where the Women Work Sparklingly," Excellent Company from Aichi Prefecture Office

Effective September 30, 2015, Tokai Tokyo Securities was recognized as an Aichi company where women sparkle. Further, effective December 21, 2016, it was recognized as the first company that won the Excellent award under the said award program.

"The Company in Nagoya Encouraging Women to Assume Active Role Fiscal 2014"

Effective January 28, 2015, Tokai Tokyo Securities won Excellent company recognition under the above certification program administered by Nagoya city.