Well-being Well-being




Elevate the level of engagement
Implement health management
Develop a workplace environment in which diverse human resources can work with peace of mind in diverse environments(DE&I)
Support employees’ special skill sharpening

Workstyle reform

Job-based employment—Rewarding employees for their professional and personal development

We classify the professional skillsets we require and use job descriptions to clearly delineate each employee’s roles and responsibilities.

Respecting human rights, embracing diversity, Prohibiting workplace harassment

We have enshrined respect for human rights in the Tokai Tokyo Financial Group's Ethical Code of Conduct. In April 2020, we published the Anti-Harassment Pledge.

Humanity Enhancement Program

In July 2020, we launched the “Humanity Enhancement Program” with the aim of promoting the improvement of human nature. This program aims to support voluntary efforts to improve human skills outside of work and to serve as role models within the company. Specific measures include support for taking a second job in another company in order to gain a variety of practical experiences, values, and knowledge, and a mentor-mentee system in which employees with career development issues or concerns (mentees) are introduced to employees with a wealth of knowledge and experience (mentors) so that they can work on solving the mentees’ problems.

Humanity Enhancement Program
Humanity Enhancement Program

Internal job posting system

The internal job posting system enables employees to form their careers in the jobs they desire by letting them apply voluntarily. With the aim of enhancing knowledge in different fields by challenging their own potential, departments that are capable of developing skills publicly disclose the contents of recruitment and recruit candidates. Employees who wish to take on new challenges and grow will submit applications including their reasons for applying and strengths. After the aptitude and ability of applicants are judged through examination of resumes and interviews, they will be transferred to the desired position. Under this system, which allows employees to voluntarily develop their own career paths, more than 300 employees have been transferred to new workplaces to help them develop their own careers.

An employee suggestion program

Examples of dialogue with employees

We run an employee suggestion program in which employees can submit ideas for improving the Company. In the period under review, 265 ideas were submitted. The ideas included those for improving workplace productivity (or transforming working patterns) and promoting SDGs initiatives. Award-winning ideas were swiftly implemented and praised by other employees.

An existing employee-engagement program
  • Employee crowdsourcing program

    This crowdsourcing program distributes tasks to the employees outside their departments seeking for particular skills and experience to improve productivity and generate new outcomes.

Employee feedback
  • I got a chance to work with new people and experience head office operations.
  • The experience will help my career.

Health management

Basic Idea

The Group deems it one of our essential management missions to keep every employee in good health. We embrace the concept of well-being, which tells us that health means to be in good physical, mental and social conditions. To encourage all of us in the Group to enjoy well-being, we are implementing various actions. We respect the ILO International Labor Standards and observe various labor-related laws and regulations. Also, to provide employees with an environment where they can work lively for many years in good health, we organized the Hygiene Meeting to arouse employees’ consciousness of hygiene, administered stress testing, and took measures to reduce overtime work.

Good Health Promotion Management Initiative

Good Health Promotion Committee

We provide health checkups to monitor employee health and identify health issues. We also provide programs designed to promote healthy living.
We conduct inspections to verify the effect of measures taken and set a health promotion goal.

Good Health Promotion Committee


Personnel Committee Members

Personnel Planning Department Head

Full-time Public Health Nurse

Representative Occupational Physician

CHO (Chief Health Officer)

Deputy President  Masanori Hayashi

Masanori Hayashi

A person in good health, both mentally and physically, can afford to be nice and considerate to oneself and the people around. It is a general belief that such a healthy person radiates potent energy positively toward many things. Implementing health management for all the officers and employees in the Group, I think, would help us all disseminate positive energies, heighten creativity, raise productivity, activate spirit for challenges, and enhance individual resourcefulness. Consequently, health management should improve human resource potential, which empowers the driving force for the Group to grow more. Thus, I strongly hope that our continuing efforts to improve the workplace environment lead to a positive cycle linked to uninterrupted company growth.

CHO is an acronym for Chief Health Officer, who bears the highest responsibility for improving the employees’ wellness. The officer supervises activities related to the employees’ health management.

Narumi Kurosu

Well-being Ambassador

Ms. Narumi Kurosu at Social Value & Justice Department, Modern Pentathlon athlete who competed
in the London Olympics 2012 as a Japanese delegate.


The Well-being ambassador shares with employees the knowledge they learned as an athlete, including tips for improving fitness and reducing stress, and advice healthy and light meals. As a fitness professional, the well-being ambassador teaches techniques and skills in a down-to-earth, relatable way.

Past advisory activities:

[Mental Health] training and right breathing to refresh the mind and body

[Physical Conditioning] Correct posture to cure overweight by, Achieving physical fitness through simple physical exercise

[Dietary Practice] Improving diet by challenging 20-minute cooking

<About Ms. Narumi Kurosu>


Won the first All Japan Championship

Won the 5th Prize in the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou


Won the second All Japan Championship
(won championship for two consecutive contests)


Joined the Company

Competed in Modern Decathlon in London Olympics representing Japan


In the 17th Asian Games in Incheon, I won the 6th prize as an individual player and the Silver Medal as a member of the Japanese team.


Current status of health management promotion

1.Support for employees’ health management

Under the supervision of medical professionals, including occupational physicians and full-time public health nurses, we manage and support employees’ health.

⑴Maintenance of physical health

・Support for employees’ health management
Based on the result of the physical checkup, occupational physicians send letters to employees, as the case may be, recommending second and thorough examinations.

・Regular “health consultation”
We provide health guidance on diet and exercise to employees diagnosed to suffer an incipient lifestyle-related illness. Thus, we are advancing health management to protect employees from diseases.

⑵Maintenance of mental health

・Mental Healthcare
By making consultation services available to employees, we aim to prevent them from suffering mental disorders. Further, to avoid the symptoms’ recurrence, we provide continuing care by ascertaining physical conditions and consultations with physicians to support the employees returning to work.

・Stress Check
All employees including those working in the offices with 50 employees or fewer are recommended to take the stress check. The result of the checking is used to improve the working environment.


Clinical thermometers and blood pressure monitors are installed at each office to support employees' health through the early prevention of disease. Also, as a measure to check long working hours, supervisors are instructed to moderate working hours.

2.Breeding consciousness of health

We are undertaking a measure to breed health consciousness in employees’ minds by distributing ideas good for health they can practice easily in their daily lives.

3.Improvement of the work environment

We recommend moving the stairs between floors. We have also introduced electric standing desks at our Tokyo Head Office to address the health risks posed by sitting and standing up too much.

4.Sports support for employees

We support our employees' “club activities” and their “individual sports initiatives”. The purpose of “club activities” is to promote health through excitement among employees through common hobbies. As for “individual sports initiatives”, we recruit supporters through public recruitment and provide funds for activities under a system based on the theme of “pursuit of humanity” set forth in our management plan.

5.Promotion of exercise opportunities

We are actively promoting initiatives that allow employees to participate in activities remotely even during the telework environment. These initiatives include organizing “walking events”, in which our employees use a common pedometer application to compete for the number of steps they take during a set period of time, and distributing “health fitness videos”, where employees who are athletes introduce stretch and torso training that can be easily done at either employees’ desks or homes, as well as arranging “online health seminar”.

External evaluation of health management

Qualified as an “Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023(Large Enterprise Category)”

The Company won certification as “Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023” for four years. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Excellent Health Management Corporation Industry and the Japan Health Conference jointly administer the subject certification.
The Excellent Health Management Corporation certification is a program to honor the corporations, either large or small in size, that drive noticeably excellent health promotion initiatives. The certificates are afforded to the corporations that fulfill the initiatives addressing respective regional health issues and take on the tasks for health promotion in accordance with the guidance provided by the Japan Health Conference.
We continue to eagerly prepare a suitable working environment for employees to work lively and comfortably for many years.

Excellent Health Management Corporation

Encouraging More Physical Exercises

We make a variety of approaches both inside and outside the Company to support sports by encouraging frequent physical exercise for improving health. We hire athletes, drive employees’ active participation in sports, and contribute to regional sports promotions. Japan Sports Agency recognized our such endeavors and certified us as one of the award recipients, “Sports Yell Company.” Also, Tokyo Metropolitan Government recognized us as Tokyo Sports Promotion Company. We won both recognitions consecutively for four years.

Encouraging More Physical Exercises

Diversity Promotion

The Group has positioned “promotion of diversity” as one of its management strategies and is engaged in a variety of activities, including initiatives promoting human rights, diversity and against harassment, support for childcare and nursing care, and initiatives for employment and recruitment.

Employee training

Professionalism with the human touch

To adapt to a shifting business environment, we view human resources as the most essential management assets. Based on this idea, we nurture a workforce that combines professional expertise with humanity (personal qualities) by providing various training programs tailored to different roles and goals. We nudge employees toward opportunities for self-driven learning so that they never stop developing themselves professionally and personally. This approach to talent development is followed throughout the Group.

MBA scholarship

We give employees opportunities to attend graduate courses. There are two participating institutions in Japan. The first is at Waseda University (Graduate School of Finance, Accounting and Law) and the second at Hitotsubashi University (Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy). We are also sending selected employees to the institutions in the USA and Europe.

Career Formation Support

We declare ourselves to be an ever-learning organization, and we offer various career-refining programs to employees prompting them to acquire professional knowledge and plan career formation. We implement company-wide programs such as a Career-Design, an In-house Staff Recruitment Scheme, and various other pieces of training.
The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare presented us with the Good Career Company Grand Award in the fiscal year 2018, recognizing such initiatives of ours.

Good Career Company Award

Development programs

As a “company that continues to learn,” employees are encouraged to learn voluntarily. Employees can freely choose and take classes according to their self-development needs.
In addition to the “Business Basic Skills” program, we also offer a variety of programs designed to enhance expertise. There are programs where you take classes at your own expense, but there are also systems where you can get a partial refund if you meet the conditions.(Several exceptions)


Group training

TT School

We aim to acquire various kinds of knowledge and core skills that are useful for business in accordance with various themes.
We have online group training programs.


5-Minute Drills

If you study one topic for five minutes every day, you can finish one course in about a month. The dills are e-learning programs designed for learners to acquire knowledge about finance in a short time.  It can also be used to acquire “FP Continuing Education Credits” required to maintain AFP/CFP qualifications.

e-Learning Library

We offer a package of e-learning courses to help employees acquire basic business skills.

TT Learning

We offer a package of e-learning courses to help employees acquire basic business skills.

We help employees with their spontaneous learning efforts by making various programs available for their varying goals. For instance, our employees can choose one from “GLOBIS All You Can Learn” to acquire basic management knowledge, “Udemy” to learn IT & data utilization, and “Hanaso Biz Online” to learn conversational English.

Confirmation of learning outcomes

Furthermore, we have programs for employees to verify their learning progress such as the “NIKKEI TEST” to assess economic knowledge and others to assist in their acquisition of work-related qualifications and licenses.

FYE Mar. 2023

Number of employees who acquired qualifcation / license MBA from institution in Japan 34
MBA from institution in other country 11
Securities analyst license 108
CFA charter 4
AFP, CFA charter 2,143
TOEIC score of 700 or higher 146
Chief of Money Lending Operations license 298
Education and training expenses (million yen on consolidated basis)   211
E-learning* Number of attendees 1,315**

*Optional ("cafeteria") training programs
**Number of employees who have completed the course as of March 31, 2023