Company Profile

Company name Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings, Inc.
Type of business Holding Company
Address of head office 5-1, Nihonbashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-6130
Telephone 81 (0)3-3517-8100 (General Inquiries)

June 19, 1929

Corporate Development
Representative Tateaki Ishida, Chairman
Masataka Sato, President
Paid-in capital 36 billion yen
Accounting date March 31
Total outstanding shares 260,582,115 shares (As of March 31, 2024)
Stock listing

Tokyo Stock Exchange:PRIME Nagoya Stock Exchange:PREMIER
(Code: 8616)

Stock Price
Credit rating

BBB+(long-term senior debts)/

J-2(short-term senior debts)Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.(JCR)

(as of September 4, 2024 )

BBB+(Issuer rating)/ Rating and Investment Information, Inc.(R&I)

(as of February 15, 2024)

Organization Organization As of May 1,2024
Directors & Executive Officers Directors & Executive Officers As of October 1,2024
Number of employees 2,655 (Does not include 10 investment advisors and asset advisors as combined, 526 temporary employees,
and 65 dispatched workers)

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